Friday, September 08, 2006

Mennoniting my Way.

Well, I made it to Colorado. I guess I'm at the foot of the Rockies, but i haven't seen them yet. I'm still sitting in the basement typing. I know...... but i wanted to at least let you know what's going on.

I slept my first 2 nights in my car at rest stops along the way. I've drank ALOT of coffee. too much, i believe. i've eaten what's even been laying around. chips. yeah..... just chips. but it's all going really well.

My car has been running really well and i've been getting good gas mileage AND gas prices have been great (until Denver). So i was looking and smelling pretty rugged when i approached denver last night. I was hoping to stay with a friend from YES that's supposedly been out here, but i called yesterday and he's now in Michigan. It was pouring down rain about 60 miles from here, so i got out my "mennonite your way" and called a couple in Denver. I explained that it was all really last minute, but asked if i could spend the night. they said it would be fine and the man gave me directions. an hour later i was standing in their living room.

Needless to say, I had a wonderful evening chatting, eating (they fed me) and just relaxing in a normal home. they gave me my own room in the basement, which also has their computer. so i've gotten the full treatment, showered, shaved, and will probably be heading up into the sunlight any time soon for cinnamon rolls and coffee.

You may ask, is there any way to travel? I would say.... did i mention i'm heading into the Rockies and plan to sleep under the stars? it's not a hot shower, but i'm dreaming of a mountain lake to swim in.

pictures will follow shortly......

oh yes......... i just got a cell phone. verizon plan. my number is 717-823-8152. i figure only my friends will really read this, so it shouldn't be a problem putting that on here. so, i'm connected with the world. i haven't been wanting to spend the money, but i must say that it's really worth it. and i've only had it like 3 days. yep. me. cell phone.

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