Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Today is what?

The world cup semifinal game? oh..... Independence Day. Right.....

So i completely forgot that today is the 4th of July. I've seriously been so wrapped up in hoping that Italy loses to Germany that it just didn't register. I must also confess that i haven't been thinking about it for weeks. It dawned on me today. Go figure. It's not like i have people over here reminding me. The world cup just seems more important at the moment. So sue me.

I've decided that if Germany wins tonight, then i'll celebrate the win and July 4th together. I've got fireworks hidden in my dresser. But IF italy should win, then i am in no way going to celebrate anything. i'll postpone it for a few days or something.

That aside, i searched the internet for a taste of US nationalism to get me in the right mood. I'm missing the fireworks at Longs Park in Lancaster, so i've gotta have some type of replacement. Those who know me, know that i'm not that patriotic anyway...... I love my country, but often don't like what's done in my name. Seeing how nationalism and patriotism are often used as means to a certain end..... they worry me a bit.

So I celebrate our independence day half-heartedly. Appreciating the freedoms that I was born with, the privileges that were handed to me and that blue passport that my refugee friends eye with envy, a ticket to a life without the worries they've had. I just get worried when I see how extreme we get in our patriotism. I guess I'm glad i'm not in the states right now. I think it would be too much for me to have all that nationalism at one time. It's enough to see the Germans start to show excessive amounts of nationalism during the world cup.

This all makes me thankful for the mennonite ideals that I have. An ability to question the actions of my government, knowing that my highest allegiance is not to them. Maybe i'm overly cautious, but patriotism has been abused and misused so often.

Soooooo........... Happy 4th of July!!! Let us enjoy our freedom, just not forget what has been done to make it possible. Good and Bad.

"Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism are all too frequently those who . . . ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism — the right to criticize, the right to hold unpopular beliefs, the right to protest, the right of independent thought." - former Senator Margaret Chase Smith

To lighten things up, here's a little quiz to see if you're able to properly celebrate the 4th.

I guess that's what i wanted to say.

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