Wednesday, August 02, 2006

alot of laying around....

so it's wednesday and i've been back here in the states for almost 3 days nows. time is flying by, but i must say that i've been spending a good deal of it sleeping. i started feeling sick a week ago, or knew that it was coming. i would have normally taken it easy to try to keep from being sick. that wasn't going to happen though with only a couple days left in germany to see friends, say goodbyes, party, pack and paint. so i decided to push through and deal with the sickness later.

it's caught up to me and i've been sleeping and resting alot. feel pretty wiped out. my throat still hurts a bit, but i think i'm slowly getting over this. just taking it easy and drinking lots of fluids. i don't know if it was all the running around that got me sick or if it was more of the emotional stress of saying goodbye.

my last week in germany was busy, emotional, stressful and beautiful all at once. saying goodbye to so many people that mean so much to me was really hard, yet it's always a blessing to be told how much you are loved and how much you will be missed.
it's definately the hardest time that i've ever had leaving. there were so many moments that were wonderful summaries of my time in germany. i just feel like i couldn't have had a better last week than i did. there were so many things to do, but so many glimpses into my past years in germany. I felt like i was re-living it all over again and getting to say goodbye to all those little parts of "my germany."

and all that ending with Das Fest.... how wildly ironic... i final goodbye.

now i'm sitting in the aircondition across the ocean, wondering where it goes from here. first..... back to being healthy..... then who knows what. that's how i'm feeling right now..... lots of these dots to show that things continue somehow..... though i'm not sure where to or how.

i'll keep you posted..... or say hi in person if it's been that long.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jared,
Wilhelms Mama würde sagen: bei Halsweh sollte man mit Schnaps gurgeln und wenn man dabei etwas schluckt ist auch nicht schlimm. Und wir Deutschen denken auch, dass man von Klimaanlagen Erkältungen bekommt, also schalt sie gleich wieder aus! Und um das ganze noch Deutscher zu machen: letztens habe ich bei meiner Mutter in einem Katalog geblättert und gesehen, dass man ein Gerät kaufen kann, dass einem das Bier wärmt, falls es zu kalt zum trinken ist wenn man es aus dem Keler holt. Ist Deutschland nicht toll?

Anonymous said...

hi jared
ich denk an dich

Funkelperle said...

Hi Jared!
Ich vermisse dich auch, es ist schon komisch so ohne dich!
Deine X-WG-Mitbewohnerin

Anonymous said...

hey jared,
danke für die letzten monate (wm, miteinander schwätzen, bier...)!