Saturday, April 29, 2006

Sing along.

i was stumbling through the internet when i came across a huge posting of vidoes of sesame street songs at i didn't spend lots of my childhood watching, but still have good memories and enjoy the creative stuff they do.
i know most americans will know these, but the germans had their own. hope you guys like these.
Here are a few that i especially like.

"one two three FOUR five, six seven eight NINE ten, eleven twelve"
Telephone rock
Mahna Mahna
King Minus
the subway
The rhyming song
Robert DeNiro imagines he's Elmo
The Martians meet a telephone
I Love Trash : Oscar
C is for Cookie! : Cookie Monster
It's Not Easy Being Green : Kermit the Frog
A-B-C-D-E-F-Cookie Monster
Don't Take Your Ones to Town" :Johnny Cash and Big Bird
The Alphabet Song" : Ray Charles
"Don't Know Y" : Norah Jones and Elmo

1 comment:

streulicht said...

hihihihihi, so geil echt!