Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Giving to annoying people.

Refugees don't have money. They come and ask for stuff.

We don't really have money.

We usually can't give much, but try to do what we can. I have a problem turning people down. Especially nice people that seriously need help and are so thankful for everything.

A person that i've known for a while and who has received help from me and our church for a while stopped by for a favor. He's not thankful. He expects you to help him and look after his every need. He was stopping by because i said i would do him a favor. So he comes in and after a couple seconds looks at me smiling says "So. What do you have for me? I'm going grocery shopping and need money."
Ahhhhhhhhhh Man!!!!!!!!! I don't have much to give the poeple that need help and are thankful for what they get. Then this punk comes and considers it his right to get handouts when he is in this situation because of a decision that he consciously made and continues to make.
No way was I rolling over and lining his pocket. I gave his the pretzels that had been laying around for 2 months and that was it.
I justify my actions. I'm called to show him love as a christian and to help him, but not to roll over and become a victim. But then I think again on Jesus' words, calling us to give to others when they ask. I want to be right in my decision, it still makes me wonder sometimes if I just want to make that decision and rationalise my way through. Anyone have this same problem?

So it makes me wonder if I'm truly carrying out Jesus' call to serve and love others. Did Jesus really mean that I should give something to this jerk? Am I really serving him by catering to someones requests?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tough toppic. Cheer up with this: http://www.johnnycupcakes.com/ :)