Thursday, February 23, 2006

aaahhhh...... TK

So I got a message from this girl on myspace that is doing a grad school project on Turkey Hill Iced and is asking people to comment about it. She wrote:

"hey there...i saw that Turkey hill was your fave drink...I'm doing a grad school project on it and was wondering if you could tell me why you love it, the first time you tried it, what you think about it, the taste, pretty much any info about it....i would really appreciate it....thanks so much.... "

I couldn't really resist this and had to write back. She put her email online, so I think it's ok to write it here, for any of you that want to write.

I definately didn't write it well or double check anything. Just kinda went with it. I'm wondering if I embellished the florida story in my old age. Anyone remember how many gallons we took along? Well, he's what I wrote. Let me know what you would write.

first of all i was wondering how you picked this as a topic. i think it's great, but just a funny subject for a grad school project. oh well...... let the memories begin.
i can't remember when i first had TK, that's the term that all my friends in lancaster county call it, or maybe that was just my school, Lancaster mennonite. who knows.
anyway, growing up in lancaster county, i just kinda remember always having it there. turkeyhill mart on the corner with the old indian symbol and TK in cartons and gallons.
In highschool it was an addiction. it's offered at lunch at school, but i would often buy a half gallon on the way to school which would bring me through the schoolday, staying in my locker for refreshment between classes. we would always bring gallons for parties or going camping.
original TK has a interesting taste that changes depending on whether it's cold and direct from the store, or if it's been sitting around for a day. I don't know how to explain this. I personally like it more after it's been sitting around for a couple hours. :-) don't know why.
i've been wondering recently why i like it so much. i've been living in europe for he past 3 years and don't get to drink it on a regular basis, so it makes me think about just what's so wonderful about TK. when i come home or see friends, that's the first thing that i ask for. a gallon of tea. I think for me that TK isn't so totally about the taste, but about the memories and meaning of turkeyhill in lancaster county and all that i've gone through with it. this sounds hilarious as i write it, but oh well. i remember in 1998 when i was a senior in highschool and my brother was on a mission trip in miami. some friends and i went to visit and took down 10 gallons of TK.
i've travelled over to europe 8 times now and i've brought TK over with me 6 of those times, rationing it to make it last as long as possible. I think it's become more of a symbol of home to me in the last years. TK just always belonged to any activity with friends. Sporting events, camping, roadtrips, weddings and where ever we were.
Just having a piece of lancaster county around, driving by the plant down by turkey point, or just always having a half gallon around.
i'm rambling. :-) thanks for letting me reminisce and ramble. let me know if you have any other questions or what happens with your work. i'd love to read what you write or what other think.

jared seth hankee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you and that turkey hill iced tea. it's strange that i never had it before since i have family in lancaster....maybe my relatives had but i ignored it since i didn't like iced tea....
that's so funny that's she's doing a paper on it.