Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ein Jahr.

I've been thinking about this for a while..... i left germany and arrived back in the US one year ago.

time flies by... on the one hand it feels like so much has happened/changed since then, yet it's all still so vivid in my mind. i think about germany all the time, day dream about what i miss, talk to myself in german, and just still feel really connected.

three and a half years. that's a long time to spend somewhere. definitely longer than one year.

ganz sicher.

i was planning to write alot more, but i'm just so tired from work today. :-/


Anonymous said...

oh man...ich vermiss dich sehr.

Anonymous said...

das Jahr ging schnell rum, oda?
Drück dich!

Funkelperle said...

Ich vermiss dich auch ...... aber du hast auch ne supi tolle Nachfolgerin gefunden!! :-)

Anonymous said...

and from what i can tell from your Flickr, you haven't taken any pictures since you left.....

update, yo!
i just did a whole bunch.

Anonymous said...

ganz liebe grüße auch von mir!!!
denk sehr oft an "unsere WG zeit zurück"...
fühl dich gedrückt =)

Toyota said...

hey ho Jared,

komm mich mal besuchen, dann bekommst du deine Vitamine und kannst mal wieder Deutsch sprechen!

liebes Grüßle